Competition & Cooperation
Dear Friends and Family,
2022 has been a memorable year! So many ups and downs, lots of growth, and so much change. I've been musing about how to integrate everything - to see it all together, rather than just separtately celebrating the highs and lamenting the lows. It's important to realize that we need both - the ebb and the flow are always connected. Recently, I've been thinking that the same is true about competition and cooperation -- in so many ways we need one in order to have the other.
If you already own a second home that you rarely use, Pacaso can also facilitate bringing in other buyers so that your ownership better reflects your usage. I see this as a really exciting development - call me if you'd like to hear more about it!
Wherever you find yourself this holiday season, I wish you friendly competition, loving cooperation, and all around growth and good cheer. And if I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out.
All the best,
Toni Haber
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Founder, Toni Haber Team | Private Client Advisors | 917.543.1999